Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Is it bad that only two days with a blog and I already feel obligated to write a new post? Probably. But I mean, that happens to me with everything. I'll be really motivated and gung-ho and then I'll just give up. But, if the motivated gung-ho phase is hard, then whatever project it is dies within days. Like my three times a week workouts. Not happening!

I'm making this up as I go along. Can you tell? I mean, I do that for every writing project, but I'm really improvising this time. I have no idea where this is going. So, who wants to hear about my day? I don't, so scratch that! Ermm, what I want to buy? Not much. Combat boots and converse. Plus band t-shirts. Aren't I such a hipster!? I'm so different and unique! And I will mock you're taste in music!

Focus. Focus now! I went kayaking with my family today. I'm up in Maine at the moment for the summer. And my parents decided that we should journey to this little island with a beach. Fine. But I'm going with my dad so that he can do most of the work. But, when we were paddling, and paddling, and paddling, I remembered another time that I had gone kayaking.

It had been with just my sister and it was really foggy that day. We each had our own kayak and being extremely lazy and bad at kayaking,  I was falling behind. Plus, because I'm a super nerd, I decided to start a captain's log. But my sister wouldn't let me be the captain. So it was more of a first mate's/cabin boy's log. Basically, I just said whatever I wanted. For example. . .

Captain's Log (I still called it that, but she refuses to admit that I was the captain): Day Two. The waves are rough and there is a bitter northern winter. I fear for the crew's safety.
Captain's Log: Day Five. We are running short on supplies. The island that we were planning to  buy new supplies turned out to not exist. Stupid map makers.
Captain's Log: Day Eight. The other captain and I have been forced to eat the other sailors. I don't know who will be next on the menu. It appears that the captain is salting my leg.

All the while, my sister is screaming for me to hurry up because, and I quote, "It's foggy and the waves are getting bigger and I don't want to be in the ocean anymore!" Can't argue with that! So I started paddling towards her as fast as I could. I was still making captain's log.

Eventually, I caught her. And led her in the wrong direction, making us paddle for ten extra minutes before I realized that our house was 'over there'! Needless to say, she hit my kayak a couple of times with her paddle, trying to capsize me. I managed to stay afloat but lost track of what day my captain's log was on.

After about fifteen minutes of slightly frenzied kayaking, we returned home. Over the course of the journey, I had kept my captain's log. In the end, my sister (the other captain) ate me. Slowly. Finger by finger. I got bored, and I'm morbid at times. Don't judge me! At times I felt like the log was quite funny so I ran up to the house and told my mom every funny part. Her only response was, 'How was kayaking other than that?' It was directed at my sister.

So there! I have a post written. Just a little, 'This happened to me once!'. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe someone else will start keeping morbid captain's log on every kayaking trip they go on. I still do. But I keep them in my head right now! I feel less obligated now. Good. Now I can go watch stupid youtube videos and eat graham crackers without a massive amount of guilt!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hello My Name is...

Claire. My name that is. I'm a girl, a rising freshman, and terrified. Sort of. I'm also spazzy, contradictory, and regretting this blog already. What makes me so special that people would want to read about my life? I have no clue! Maybe someone can tell me after a while. Hopefully!

But I do know what makes me, well, me. Some words to describe me would be. . . clumsy, awkward, snippy, sarcastic, loyal, determined, lazy, and above all, random. Sometimes I do things that I didn't even see coming. And seeing as I was the one who squirted the ketchup everywhere, that's a problem. A big one. But, that story will come later.

My hopes and dreams with this mistake blog are complicated. It's like this, I want to tell people about my life. Most people I know are sick and tired of me listening to me. So, I've decided to go after the poor defenseless people of the internet. AKA, whomever is reading this right now. Everyone lucky enough to stumble upon My Corner of the Universe will find multiple things. Sometimes I'll write about my day. And who I feel like throwing heavy rocks at. Other times, I'll reminisce and you'll be forced to hear about bygones and how funny I once was. Ahh, those were the days. When my brain somehow managed to think of something witty. Those days are. . . uncommon. And lastly, this blog might just become a giant diary for me. For example, 'You know what ticks me off? That's right. People who don't turn the volume up to an even number!' Excited for those days right!?

I mean, I don't know exactly where this blog is going. Just making that clear for everyone involved. It might end after a few months because I get bored. Or, I might struggle and work hard and become semi-famous! Unlikely. But I would still like being semi-famous. It would be better bragging rights than my perfect ERB score in seventh grade. Yeah boys. I am single and ready to mingle. Plus, I can write an awesome persuasive essay! I can see them lining up right now.

To be somewhat final on the matter, I'm going to try. Really try. And it might blow up in my face and turn me into a social pariah, but I don't think anyone will actually see this. I bet I could say something random and no one would even notice because no one is even reading this! I have some worries about my dog's addiction to peaches. But, I will prevail. Hopefully. Maybe, this won't go wrong. People will like me! And I'll have friends! And I won't be so horribly socially awkward and scare small children! This blog could do a lot for me. And I'm starting to hope that it does work out. So wish me luck!
